
From the winter semester 2022-2023, the Karlsruhe University of Music will have a new rector. The election of the Senate and the University Council on May 11 fell by an overwhelming majority on Prof. Dr. Matthias Wiegandt, who has already been teaching at the Karlsruhe University of Music since 2004. He is Professor of Music History and Musicology and currently Prorector for Teaching, Study and Examination Affairs. In October, he will succeed Prof. Hartmut Höll, who has led the Hochschule for… Weiterlesen
New book publication: Music Journalism New book publicationMusikjournalismus Herausgegeben von Peter Overbeck Springer VS Wiesbaden 2022, 564 Seiten, 34,99 € (E-Book: 26,99 €) ISBN 978-3-658-32475-9, ISBN 978-3-658-32476-6 (eBook) (Reihe „Journalistische Praxis“) On 564 pages, the volume edited by Peter Overbeck (Institute for Music Journalism) tells you everything you need to know about programming, interviewing, music criticism, moderation etc. in radio, television, print and online, in… Weiterlesen
The Freundeskreis der Hochschule für Musik Karlsruhe invites you to: Thursday, April 28, 2022 7:30 p.m. · Wolfgang Rihm Forum „Der gekaufte Taktstock“. Dr. h. c. Hans Hachmann in dialogue with conductor Christoph Poppen and with clarinetist Julius Kircher on the occasion of their work with the Chamber Orchestra of the Karlsruhe University of Music.https://www.hfm-karlsruhe.de/veranstaltungen/der-gekaufte-taktstock Tickets 5 € at the known advance booking offices or atReserviX (Booking… Weiterlesen
On Saturday, 30. April 2022, the Adler Büttner Foundation will start with a new concert idea in the Gartensaal of the Schloss Karlsruhe. Under the title "Adler Büttner Klassik - Werden und Vollendung" (Adler Büttner Classical Music - Becoming and Completion), already established musical personalities who have studied at the Karlsruhe University of Music will make music together with current students in the future. The concert project, conceived as a series, will be opened by the pianists Gloria… Weiterlesen
Members, friends and sponsors of TABOU are invited to a concert on Sunday, April 24, 2022: Andreas Kammenos (recorder) will perform with Nicola MinKyung Kim (piano), Maria Veronica Helling (violin) with Nargiza Alimova (piano), Katharina Bierweiler (soprano) with WooRim Lee (piano), and David Carl Heinz (piano) as part of the "Young Talents" series. The program includes music by Anton Heberle, Georg Philipp Telemann, Sergei W. Rachmaninov, Johannes Brahms, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Robert… Weiterlesen